Anniversary Gemstones

Although there is an older traditional anniversary gift list, which starts with really romantic gift ideas like paper and cotton, we recommend the modern list, which doesn't take decades to get to the good stuff! If you're old fashioned, you can always wrap that gold jewellery in paper!



1 Gold
2 Garnet
3 Pearl
4 Blue Topaz


6 Amethyst
7 Onyx
8 Tourmaline
9 Lapis Lazuli
10 Diamond
11 Turquoise
12 Jade
13 Citrine
14 Opal
15 ruby
16 Peridot
17 Amethyst
18 Cat's-Eye Chrysoberyl
19 Aquamarine
20 Emerald
21 Iolite
22 Spinel
23 Precious Topaz
24 Tanzanite
25 Silver Jubilee
30 Pearl Jubilee
35 Emerald
40 Ruby
45 Sapphire
50 Golden Jubilee
55 Alexandrite
60 Diamond Jubilee
70 Sapphire Jubilee
80 Ruby Jubilee